How Coy 10X-ed His Views With ONE Video

More proof that ideation is king.

What’s going on handsome? 😏

My work as a strategist contains a ton of different things, but one of the more important tasks might be this:

Coming up with video ideas that will hit an audience that will bring us closer to our long-term goals.

And coming up with these ideas sometimes means hours of typing titles, researching the market, and just random brainstorming.

I have some favorite weird ways to brainstorm new video concepts, if you want to hear about them, let me know on Twitter. Or X. Or both.

Maybe I’ll do a video about it.

But sometimes, just sometimes, out of the 20, 50, or even 100 title concepts I write down for some of my clients weekly, I type that one title that makes me go:

And once that happens enough, you will start seeing that pattern with other creators as well.

A recent example? Coy.

He uploaded a video titled ‘‘I Rated Places With 0 Reviews’’

And once I saw that title, I knew he struck gold.

It’s a proven concept that has been doing well on YouTube over the past few months, and oh boy was I right 😀:

1.7M views in 2 weeks. 🤯 

So the question remains…

What made this go viral? 🤔 

In my 12 years of obsessing over YouTube, there have been a few things that I’ve learned through experience that I can attribute to the success of this video.

And it all comes down to three things. And if you implement these things on your channel? Oh boy, you will certainly see growth.

  1. Market research

Coy did what every good creator should do:

Identify what works in the current YouTube landscape, and spin it in an original way.

Ryan Trahan has been doing review concept videos over the past few months and they have all done great:

So, Coy saw an opportunity but made one VERY important decision:

He gave it a creative spin.

Instead of doing the exact same thing as Ryan and getting diminishing returns, he tested spots WITHOUT any ratings.

A simple, yet strong chance that gave a fresh angle to a proven concept.

Yes I know, some people would now ask me:

‘‘But why not do the same thing, it worked before?!’’

And to those people, I would say this:

Let’s say you are a HUGE NFL fan. And you watched the Seahawks vs Cowboys game on TV.

Would you watch the same match filmed from the stands the day after on YouTube? 🤔

Chances are pretty low, right?

And that is the exact reason why I would always look to do a creative spin on a proven concept like Coy.

It makes it fresh, and you will not see diminishing returns as much vs just copying the exact format.

That brings me to number 2:

  1. Packaging that just works.

Coy doesn’t try to reinvent the wheel but simply uses what works on YouTube right now. Besides that, his hook is strong and gives the amount of context necessary to initially care as a viewer.

The conclusion on this point is simple:

Look at what thumbnail and title combinations work, and make that your own by adding your unique look to it.

Do NOT try to reinvent the wheel if you do not have to. If views and growth are what you are after, look at what works now and adapt.

But, number three is the most important point that has pushed this video over the edge and has gotten it this far, and it will help it push it out to an even larger audience..

  1. He over-delivered in the video.

I don’t want to spoil the whole video for you as I encourage you to watch it, but within a few minutes, the viewer is pulled into a crazy side story that becomes the main part of the story throughout.

As a viewer, you expect to see a ‘‘simple yet entertaining’’ review video, and you get treated to an almost domino effect that leads into some cool detective work done by Coy.

It over-delivers on the click MASSIVELY. And that is the main driver of viral success in this market on YouTube.

And dude, what do I even know, right? Well, the audience voiced their opinion as well:

Click to zoom

So, what’s the lesson here?

Spin proven concepts into your own unique voice and make a video that over-delivers on that promise.

It’s simple, but I never said it was easy.. 😜 

Talk soon, and if you enjoyed this, please share my newsletter with your friends. I would really appreciate that!

Leroy. 👋