The fastest way to 1000 subscribers, simplified.💰

Time to go back to basics

What’s going on warriors, 🤝⚔️

Hope you all had a great weekend. I worked most of it, and it’s only going to get crazier in the coming weeks.

Leander and I are finalizing our project together, and I can tell you we are crafting the best YouTube course ever. We are leaving no stone unturned, and it is all based on actual, real-life results from Justicul and our clients. Millions of views, thousands of hours of expertise. All crammed into one course.

No nonsense, no big words to sound smarter, just straight value. And the best part?

It’s a freebie that comes with a way bigger thing. Can’t wait to share it all with you.

More on that soon.

First, I want to talk to you about something a LOT of beginner creators DM me about.

‘‘How do I go from zero to a thousand subscribers the fastest way possible?’’

And oh boy, do I have some thoughts about that. I’ve recently helped Chris Takes Off with his first series, and we got him to 1000 subscribers in just 11 days.

Or Endzone, an NFL channel that I helped monetize from zero within four uploads.

I can give some more recent examples, but this credibility-building is just for the new readers who joined us recently.

Let’s actually jump into some value here.

What is the fastest way to reach 1000 subscribers?

First, we need to make an important distinction here.

Because fast does not always mean best.

You see, the fastest way to get to a thousand subscribers would be to pump out YouTube shorts.

That’s great, but I think most people want to hit this thousand-subscriber milestone so they can monetize their channel, right?

If that is the case, I would always prioritize long-form content.

Simply because you can make significantly more money from a long-form video that does well.

If money is not your main priority, shorts can be a great way to hit a thousand subscribers fast. But keep in mind, Shorts viewers are not long-form viewers in general!

I can show you tens of examples of short channels that do great numbers with their shorts and get millions of views but can not break ten thousand views with their long-form videos.

And the same goes the other way around, but less pronounced.

Alright, now that we have that out of the way, let’s get into my three main tips on how to grow a channel fast. 🧠

Research and hijack.

One of the highest ROI activities you can do to blow up a channel is understanding your ideal viewer.

You do that by looking at trends in your niche and niches similar to the one you want to dive into.

Note down the most popular videos of at least ten competitors in the past six months, and ask yourself this:

What, if anything, can I add to these videos to make them even better?

What patterns can I spot in the packaging of these videos?

What patterns can I spot in the comments? What do viewers like/hate?

If you do this at volume, you will see some things float to the surface more often.

Use this to your advantage and implement what your ideal viewer wants better than your competitors have done so far.

Also, I wouldn’t advice to just remake a viral topic that a competitor did recently.


Because a remake will always see diminishing returns.

Find outlier > add unique and fresh angle > create

Youtube Video GIF by Shelly Saves the Day

Do not waste your viewer’s time.

The biggest problem I see with many creators is that they do not value their viewers’ time enough.

And you probably think ‘‘oh, I don’t do long intros or outros, so I’m already amazing at this!’’

Although that is amazing, and I salute you, this goes deeper than a short intro or outro.

You see, most creators suffer from this thing I call contextual syndrome.

The simple explanation of what this entails is that creators tend to give more context than necessary for a viewer to understand the story.

One of the greatest things you can do for viewer satisfaction is cut out all the parts of a video that don’t have to be there. Ask yourself this:

‘‘Does this part still make sense if I cut out that sentence?’’

Cut it out and play the sequence.

Does it still make sense? Then keep it out.

Does it feel weird now and like you’ve missed something? Drag it back in.

The point is that a lot of creators keep in too much fluff.

My main concern?

Keeping videos feeling well-paced enough to the point where the chances of one viewer wanting to watch two videos increase dramatically.


Because that is a great signal for the algorithm to keep pushing your content.

And believe me, a well-paced video doesn’t mean cutting out everything and going back to 2019 MrBeast style.

It means crafting a story your ideal viewer wants to see without leaving in unnecessary segments.

Bored Season 5 GIF by The Office

Your viewer, after you explain why you like turtles for 10 seconds, has zero to do with your story.

Give the algorithm data fast.

The last thing I believe in firmly is to give the algorithm a lot of data to work with when you start a channel from scratch.

If you want to upload weekly, build up a month's worth of content before you start uploading.

Once you have four videos in the bank, publish the first three within one week.

The faster you give YouTube data to work with, the faster it will determine what viewers might be interested in your video.

So, if speed is of the essence, upload, and upload fast.

Besides that, if your second video is the one catching steam and getting views, your new potential fans have more content to look at once they have finished the first video where they discovered you.

And once again, one viewer watching two of your videos in a row? Big signal of viewer satisfaction > more impressions for your videos.

That’s it! There is a ton more to blowing up a YouTube channel, of course, but these things have proven to be very important to me time and time again.

If you want more of this stuff, check my older newsletters and my X for more value.

Hope this is all way somewhat valuable to you again; see you all next week.

And don’t forget to ideate and conquer 🤝⚔️


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