FREE Q&A Tonight and some other exciting news!

Come join and ask away!

Hey you!

Tonight, I will be doing the very first free Q&A in my new Discord community!
» 9PM CET/ 12PM PT / 3PM EST

Ask me anything about YouTube, your channel, the problems you face, or anything else you want to know about me or the platform.

If you haven’t joined my free Discord yet, you can do so by clicking here and choosing the ‘‘FREE’' access role.

Also, I am starting to be more active on Instagram in the coming months! If you feel you can use more of me (I can’t imagine, lol), drop a follow on IG as well.

Next week, the newsletter will return to normal value-first YouTube stuff. But I need your help! What would you like me to write about regarding YouTube? Your answer will remain anonymous, but it’ll help me a LOT to figure out what topics to write about and give you all the value you desire from my newsletter.

You can respond to this email, and I’ll read all your answers in my inbox. 🚀

And then, some other exciting news will improve many creators’ success…

After almost six months of hard work, Leander (Justicul on YT) and I are soon launching Ideation School.

So, what is Ideation School?

Ideation School will be the final boss of anything I do or run in the coming years. It’s an 8-week accelerator/cohort where you’ll get three live lessons per week given by Leander and yours truly.

Besides the live lessons and feedback sessions, you’ll get the best YouTube course in the world for intermediate creators and above.

We put all of our combined knowledge into this company, and we are VERY certain that intermediate-level creators and above will get tons of value from both the accelerator and the course.

It’s not a low-ticket offer. You’ll be paying north of 2500 USD for this. But we’ll never have an offer with this much guidance and on-call time besides Ideation School.

We haven’t shared any of this online yet, and Ideation School will be waitlist-based, meaning that we will be very picky about whom we accept in the cohort.

I am telling you this so that you can be prepared and keep a close eye on Leander and my socials (and this newsletter, of course).

That’s it for this week’s updates. A lot of exciting things are coming, and I can’t wait to be able to help more of you all in less time!

Talk soon, thanks!
