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  • One VERY IMPORTANT Thing I’ve Learned from Growing 10+ Youtube Channels

One VERY IMPORTANT Thing I’ve Learned from Growing 10+ Youtube Channels

And what you should implement

G’day warriors, ⚔️

Hope you have ideated and conquered today. If not, this is your sign once again. Sixty minutes of writing down ideas, let’s f*cking go!

Today, I want to talk about one VERY important thing I’ve learned in the past twelve years.

Some recent examples where I have been obsessed with this specific thing are Chris Takes Off, which I’ve helped grow to 1100 subscribers and 500.000 views within two weeks, and Daniel Bitton’s channel, which we have grown with 9300 subscribers and over 374.000 views since we started working together.

Now that we have some recent credibility established let’s get into the weeds of this thing..

Learn that THIS is key 🔑

Most people know about what I’m about to say, but do you really? Especially in the early days of a new channel, this ‘‘thing’’ speaks volumes about what to expect.

It’s packaging.

You know, the stuff that makes people either click like mad or just scroll past without a second glance.

First off, titles and thumbnails aren't just there to take up space. They're like the flashy sign outside a restaurant, pulling you in.

And one of the things I LOVE to do is frontloading important information in titles.

Hit 'em with the good stuff right at the start.

A few examples of where we did this recently:

Now, let's get real about thumbnails. Have you ever clicked on a video because the thumbnail just kind of got to you?

That's not magic, my friend.

That's someone knowing how to play the emotional keyboard like a pro.

Now, when it comes to what's in the thumbnail, I think of it as a stage.

I want to show you a recent example from the ‘‘Idiots Are Making Millions, Here’s How’’ video with Daniel.

The top part of the image is an example I sent Daniel of a composition I had in mind, and the bottom part is the final thumbnail:

I can go way deeper into this but I want to keep this newsletter easy to read and not some book, LOL.

Anyway although packaging is key, ideation is king.

A bad idea packaged great will still underperform versus a great idea packaged bad.

Keep that in mind.

Very soon, you’ll get to dive VERY deep with me on EVERYTHING YouTube.. 😏

Talk next week!


My favorite tools for winning on YouTube:

💡Ideation: 1of10.com

🖼️Thumbnail A/B testing: thumbnailtest.com

👁️See your packaging: thumbnailcheck.com