🎥 My Ultimate YouTube Strategy Toolbox 🛠️

All my tools, released for your working pleasure.

Hey there, Creator and strategy friends.

Hope you are on track to have another kickass week!

Ever wonder what's in the toolbox that gets the YouTube channels I work with millions of views? Well, the cat's out of the bag today! I'm here to reveal my treasure trove of tools that don't just skyrocket those views but also make my life as a YouTube strategist a breeze (and it can do the same for you). Let’s dive in.

🔍 1. Google Spreadsheets - The Research Wizard
I'm gearing up to release my latest spreadsheet for thumbnail research from right here. Plus, it’s a lifesaver for keeping tabs on those all-important CTR and AVD averages for the channels I work with. Because surprise surprise, averages do not only vary wildly per market but also per channel. If you want to have a general idea of how your channel is performing vs. the rest of your market, you want an easy-to-access spreadsheet where you can monitor this stuff.

🤝 2. Google Meet - The Communication Conductor
Easy-to-use browser software for client calls and a way to record them with zero fuss. Google Meet is my pick.

🧠 3. Notion - Your Digital Brainbox
If my brain had an external hard drive, it'd be Notion. Clients LOVE their personalized portals with all my frameworks and intel in them. Beyond that, it's my go-to for brainstorming, to-dos, and just about everything. It's the digital notebook of my ADHD dreams!

🔥 4. 1of10.com - The Outlier Oracle
Shoutout to fellow YouTube strategist Richard for crafting this genius! Still new to my kit but oh boy, spotting outliers has never been this fun. And guess what? Its potential is soaring. If you haven’t checked it out yet, I recommend you do so! (not sponsored)

🤖 5. ChatGPT Plus - The Creative Catalyst
You know those days when your brain's as dry as a desert? Enter ChatGPT Plus. It's my secret to kickstarting creative sessions. It's not the whole ride, but it sure helps to get the train out of the station.

🎮 6. Discord - The Network & Play Hub
I not only use Discord to connect and play games with my friends, but I also frequent YouTube-specific servers where I network, chat, and have fun. A few examples would be YouTube Faceless from Noah Morris, Leander Hofkes’ new Discord server, and Wono’s Discord.

🐝 7. Beehiiv - Your Newsletter Nectar
The newsletter game has never been sweeter, thanks to Beehiiv. It's the bee's knees when it comes to sending out updates, and it’s been buzzing smoothly for me! OK, I’ll stop the puns. Sorry.

So there you have it, a peek into my toolbox. Hope it sparks some inspiration and makes your YouTube strategy journey easier and more fun to manage,

Talk next week? Xoxo