YouTube Has Changed.. Adapt or Die.

Time to get rid of the old tactics. Here's the truth.

G'day, creative warriors! 🤝

This week, we're diving into the evolution of YouTube channel growth strategies. Whether you're starting fresh or looking to inject new life into your channel, it's time to shift gears.

Before we do that, I want to ensure you know that I am discontinuing my Gumroad 0-100k views mini course soon. If you still want it, you can find it here.

The 0-100K Views Mini Course

Ever dreamed of skyrocketing on YouTube, turning your channel into a profitable endeavor? That's exactly what I did over the past twelve years, and just over two months ago with a brand-new travel channel, catapulting it to 15,000 subscribers and over 400,000 views in just one month! 🌟But how, you ask?In this mini-course, I'm peeling back the curtain on the very strategies that made this possible. You're not just enrolling in a course; you're embarking on a transformational journey for your YouTube channel.Transform Your YouTube Channel with Unparalleled StrategiesWhat sets this mini-course apart? It's not just about creating content; it's about finding the right gaps to fill on YouTube that draw viewers in and keep them coming back for more. Here's how:Ideation Techniques: Discover how I brainstorm and develop ideas that have garnered millions of views, turning ordinary ideas into viral sensations.Magnetic Creation: Learn the art of crafting titles and packaging your videos in a way that at least one out of every ten videos breaks through the noise, capturing attention and sparking curiosity.Viewer Engagement Mastery: I'll show you how to design compelling hooks that not only catch the viewer's eye but keep them glued to the screen, significantly increasing watch time and engagement.This course isn't just about sharing knowledge; it's about transforming your approach to YouTube content creation, making your channel irresistible to viewers.My strategies aren't just theories; they're battle-tested methods that have propelled channels from zero to hero. Here are a few highlights:Travel Triumph: The travel channel "Chris Takes Off" skyrocketed from inception to 10,000 subscribers and 400,000 views in just 4 weeks. This wasn't luck; it was strategic content creation and audience engagement that captivated a massive audience.Niche Domination: "WeAreNoCode" became the leading channel in its niche within three months of working with me. By tailoring content to the audience's needs and optimizing for engagement, we achieved unparalleled growth and community building.Viral Sensation: A new NFL-themed channel amassed 809.000 views with just four videos. The secret? Understanding audience interests and delivering exactly what they craved, with a twist that made each video a must-watch.These stories are just the beginning. Imagine what's possible for your channel with the right guidance and strategies.A Deep Dive into the Mini-Course: What to ExpectEach video in this mini-course is designed to not only impart knowledge but also to provide actionable steps that you can immediately apply to your YouTube channel. Here's a glimpse into the transformative journey:Ideation Unleashed: Learn the secrets behind generating compelling content ideas that resonate with audiences and have the potential to go viral. I'll share personal techniques and exercises to spark creativity and innovation.The Art of Titling: Discover the psychology behind powerful titles and how to package your videos for maximum impact. This session will teach you how to craft titles that intrigue and entice clicks, boosting your video's visibility and reach.Mastering Engagement Hooks: Understand the elements of an effective hook and how to keep your audience watching longer. We'll analyze successful hooks and break down the formula for creating your own.Content Strategy Based on a recent example: Gain insights into developing a content strategy that aligns with your brand and audience preferences, ensuring a consistent and engaging viewer experience.Analytics and Optimization: Learn how to use YouTube analytics to inform your content strategy, optimize your videos for better performance, and scale your channel's growth effectively.By the end of this course, you'll have a comprehensive toolkit to enhance your YouTube channel's appeal and viewership, turning it into a thriving community.Are you ready to turn your YouTube dreams into reality? This mini-course is your gateway to having all the tools, but this price won't stay, and I am planning to double it soon. Act now to secure your product and start today 🤝

Alright. Let’s dive in. ⚔️

Out with the Old.

In the evolving world of YouTube, sticking to the old playbook no longer cuts it. Remember when we used to cram our video descriptions with every conceivable tag, hoping to cover every search query under the sun?

Or how we obsessed over ranking in search results as if YouTube was just another search engine? We poured hours into tweaking titles, thumbnails, and descriptions for that perfect SEO formula, believing these were the keys to unlocking unlimited views.

And to be fair, for a long time that DID work.

I even remember a time when we wanted to grow our US audience back in 2011 while uploading from the Netherlands. We grew to 20.000 subscribers within a year (pretty darn good back then), but we struggled to capture the audience we wanted.


Because the algorithm pushed you out to people in and around your geographical location first.

That SUCKED. 😂

But here's the twist: YouTube has grown smarter, and so have our viewers. The platform's algorithms have shifted focus, prioritizing viewer satisfaction and engagement over mere keyword matching. It's no longer just about being seen; it's about being relevant and resonant and most importantly: viewer satisfaction.

The old methods of optimization, while not entirely obsolete, now play a supporting role rather than leading the charge.

As we bid farewell to these outdated strategies, it's time to embrace a more holistic approach. One that values the viewer's experience from the moment they click to the final seconds of your video. It's about crafting content that doesn't just attract but captivates, turning casual viewers into loyal fans.

If you want more info on the recommendation engines today, Muazz made a pretty good tweet about it here:

In with the New.

As we pivot from the exploits of the past, the new era of YouTube growth beckons with strategies that resonate deeply with today's viewers. It's about crafting a viewer-centric experience, where content is not just seen but felt.

  1. Viewer-First Approach: Begin every content creation process with a simple question: "What value does this bring to my viewers?" This mindset shift from creator-centric to viewer-centric content is fundamental. It's about understanding and empathizing with your audience, creating content that addresses their desires, challenges, and curiosities.

  2. Irresistible Packaging: In an ocean of content, your video needs to stand out at first glance. This goes beyond eye-catching thumbnails and catchy titles; it's about creating a promise, a lure that speaks directly to the viewer's needs and interests. Besides that, nowadays I would include the first 20 seconds of your video visually in the packaging as well, as more and more people use autoplay to judge if they want to see a video or not. This packaging is your first impression, make it count.

  3. Understanding Your Playing Field: Every niche on YouTube has its unique dynamics, trends, and unwritten rules. Deep diving into these nuances can uncover gaps and opportunities that you can leverage. This means staying updated with trends, understanding what content works (and what doesn't), and adapting your strategy accordingly. But maybe even more important: don’t be blind to opportunities outside your niche, because that can be a HUGE way to win on YouTube and dominate your niche.

  4. Authentic Storytelling: At the heart of every successful video is a story that connects. Authentic storytelling is about being genuine, sharing experiences, and building a narrative that viewers can relate to. It's this connection that transforms viewers into a community, fostering loyalty and engagement.

I recently tweeted about two of my favorite storytelling frameworks:

As we embrace these new methodologies, remember that the core of YouTube success lies in creating meaningful connections with your audience.

Your Thoughts? 

I'm eager to hear your take on this shift. Are you already implementing these strategies? Have you noticed a difference? Hit reply or DM me on X.

Until next week, keep pushing boundaries and redefine success on your terms. 🚀


My favorite tools for winning on YouTube: